Saturday, March 12, 2011

Groundhog Day... In January

January seemed like an endless stretch of the same thing... day after day. Mia, Macy, and I were stuck inside all day, every day as we adjusted to life with a new baby and tried to keep everyone healthy. Macy spit up constantly with her acid reflux and never slept, and the snow and ice just kept on coming. Macy's face in this picture kind of sums up the way we all started to feel by the end of the month.

Poor Mia was always so excited when she could actually get outside, even if it was just to help dad shovel for a little while. Her favorite activity, however, was going down the slide in the backyard at warp speed and landing in a giggling heap in the snow at the bottom. We tried to help her appreciate snow angels this year, but she had trouble grasping "the big picture" on that one. I think she just thought we liked pushing her down in the snow (which we did). Maybe next year.

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